To all my clients and friends…

I know that calling for ceasefire may mean different things to different people depending on their lived experience. I want all people to feel safe in my space, and for all of you to know my salon will always hold space for conversations, led with love, even when we don’t agree on something. I believe we can hear and hold each other as a community with respect and empathy despite our differences, and think that is, in fact, the best way to understand each other to be able to build a better world.

I call for ceasefire because I want to be part of a sustainable, peaceful, just, diverse, smart, and tolerant world.   I want all people to feel safe to exist. I cannot reconcile what is currently happening in Gaza as an acceptable or reasonable way to achieve those ends, or any ends, but know the intelligence and ability to pursue a different direction certainly exists and must be possible. It must be possible because the alternative is not only unthinkable, but a precedent that is not safe for anyone.

I’m not here to present myself as an expert, or even think of myself as important.   I can’t imagine what it feels like to be Palestinian or Israeli or Muslim or Jewish right now.   I know many of you feel unsafe right now in our harshly divisive climate.   I hope offering my own transparency and vulnerability gives us all agency and potential to grow understanding and evolve together in love and compassion.

Trying my hardest to lead with love and lean into peace from this small corner of the world.


“Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world” - The Grateful Dead